Student Services
Asst. Principal: Mrs. Blanca Fisher
Student Services Staff:
Ms. Carmen Luz Reyes, School Support Technician
Mrs. Ana Hernandez, School Support Technician
Ms. Lara Yturralde, Counselor
Ms. Marisabel Dorantes, Counselor
Hours: 7:00 am - 4:30 pm
Student Support Services are those services available at school for students to make the most of their experience at Enrique Camarena Jr. High. If you need help with an academic or personal problem, there are programs and services available to help you be more successful in and out of school. You are encouraged to talk with your teachers, counselor, and your parents about any problems you may have throughout the school year.
Keep in mind that your success as a student depends on it!
Please remember that our office staff does not deliver items, such as:
Homework, PE uniforms, money, projects, etc. to students. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.